Minnedosa Tribune Subscription Rates:
All subscriptions to the Minnedosa Tribune expire on May 31 of the given year. To purchase a subscription, please call our office at 204-867-3816 ext. 1 to ensure you are paying correct pro-rated price.
LOCAL AREA – Residents of Minnedosa, Bethany, Clanwilliam, Elphinstone, Erickson, Franklin, Lake Audy, Mountain Road, Neepawa, Newdale, Olha, Onanole, Rapid City, Sandy Lake, and Strathclair – $45.00 (tax included)
OTHER MANITOBA LOCATIONS – $59.75 (tax included)
OUT OF PROVINCE BUT WITHIN CANADA – $66.00 (tax included)
ONLINE SUBSCRIPTIONS – $35.00 per year (tax included). Our online edition is emailed out every Thursday.
US and foreign subscriptions also available – please inquire for prices.
**The Minnedosa Tribune leaves our premises each Friday morning and is distributed by Canada Post.
Contact The Tribune office for current rates. Email adsales@minnedosatribune.com or phone 204-867-3816.
Thank you.